Very specific rules and regulations (fine-tuning) of the universe
One way reality looks designed is all the rules and regulations found in all of reality/the entire universe, also called 'fine-tuning' are all the universal laws of reality that make it work the way it does: these laws are so specific that if one was messed with even just a slight bit it would change reality drastically:
“an extraordinary fact about the universe: Its basic properties are uncannily suited for life. Tweak the laws of physics in just about any way and—in this universe, anyway—life as we know it would not exist. “ [1]
“More and more has been discovered by physicist and cosmologist that give evidence of a universe that’s very finely tuned that is certain of its basic properties the fundamental constants that govern what the universe is like have to be within very very finely defined limits in order to have a universe like we have, on which carbon-based life is possible…”[2:A]
Specific examples of this very fine tuning include:
The ripples from the big bang (what is assumed to have created the universe: all original matter and energy) were found to be very finely tuned just enough to cause matter to congregate to form galaxies but not enough (too much) to cause the expanding universe to collapse back in on itself; these ripples had to be so presence that any slight variation one way or another would cause the universe to not exist like it does now.[2:B]
“If we had four space dimensions…then planetary systems would be unstable and our version of life would be impossible. If we had two space dimensions...we would not exist,…[1]”
“Built into the very fabric of space, it seems, is some unknown form of energy—physicists call it simply dark energy—that is pushing everything apart….What astonish[ing is]…the peculiar specificity of the amount [of dark energy]: exactly enough to accelerate expansion, yet not so much that the universe would rapidly rip itself apart…If [dark energy] had been any bigger, there would have been enough repulsion from it to overwhelm the gravity that drew the galaxies together, drew the stars together, and drew Earth together…[1]”
“If gravity was just about 1 part of 10,000,000,000 weaker than it actually is then after the big bang there would be insufficient gravitational pull to result in the coalescence of stars and galaxies and planets and you and me. You would end up therefore with an infinitely expanding sterile universe. If gravity was just a tiny bit stronger well things would coalesce alright but a little too soon. And the big bang would be followed after a while by a big crunch (all matter would stick together), and we would not have the chance to appear.”[9]
“If protons were just 0.2 percent more massive than they actually are…they [Atoms] would be unstable and would decay into simpler particles. Atoms wouldn’t exist...”[1]
“… If gravity were slightly more powerful,...[the]...gravitational force would compress stars more tightly, making them smaller, hotter, and denser. Rather than surviving for billions of years, stars would burn through their fuel in a few million years (there would be no more stars left at this point in the universe)...”[1]
“Ratio of the electromagnetic force to gravity in the early universe had to be accurate by 1 part of 1040 (that is, it had to be as accurate as 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 similar ratios: that's an extremely accurate and very precise ratio it had to keep!) in order to have the chemistry we do now in the universe” [2:B]
"Stars like the sun produce energy by fusing two hydrogen atoms into a single helium atom. During that reaction, 0.007 percent of the mass of the hydrogen atoms is converted into energy, via Einstein’s famous e = mc2 equation. But if that percentage were, say, 0.006 or 0.008,...The lower number would result in a universe filled only with hydrogen; the higher number would leave a universe with no hydrogen (and therefore no water) and no stars like the sun."[1]
"The early universe was delicately poised between runaway expansion and terminal collapse. Had the universe contained much more matter, additional gravity would have made it implode. If it contained less, the universe would have expanded too quickly for galaxies to form." [1]
"Atomic nuclei are bound together by the so-called strong force. If that force were slightly more powerful, all the protons in the early universe would have paired off and there would be no hydrogen, which fuels long-lived stars. Water would not exist, nor would any known form of [organic] life." also, if it were slightly weaker protons and neutrons would not stick together making only Hydrogen atoms exist but no other atoms possible. [1]
Therefore, reality seems very fine-tuned almost like a coder would fine tune a program for a virtual reality/videogame program or even a musician fine tuning strings on a guitar to sound off the right tone when strummed: but like a finely programmed code was made by a coder and a guitar was finely tuned by a musician, it's also reasonable to conclude that all the fine-tuning laws set in reality to make it function the way it does right now were originally set by a very powerful intelligent being that knew what (and how) to manipulate and set very specific laws to physical reality to make the universe the way it is/functions now. This was the ultimate conclusion of the English astronomer and mathematician Sir Fred Hoyle:
“A common sense interpretation of the facts [of fine tuning] suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed with physics.”[7]
Very finely balanced and fine-tuned planet Earth
Not only does the entire universe look finely tuned, but planet Earth also seems to be finely tuned and just right in many ways that is very safe for the organic life on Earth to live in:
"The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity hold a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter. Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life. The Earth is located the right distance from the Sun. Picture a typical front door of a house. If the Sun were at the top of the door frame, the Earth would be like a small coin sitting on the bottom door frame. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day. And our Moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The Moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet our massive oceans are restrained from spilling over across the continents.[3]"
“The crust of the Earth is 630 times as much thorium, 340 times as much uranium as what we see in rocky material in the rest of the universe. And it’s thanks to that super abundant uranium and thorium that our planet has had a long-lasting hot core and that hot liquid Iron core being circulated has enabled our planet to have a strong magnetosphere enveloping us that allows us to be protected from deadly solar and cosmic radiation. It also prevented the atmosphere and the oceans of the Earth from being sputtered away by the particle radiation from the sun.[4:A]”
“We got 60 times less sulfur [on Earth], that’s what enables us to grow food, you're not going to grow and food or crops on Mars because there way too much sulfur there but you can on the Earth. So were deficient by a factor of 60 times in sulfur but were abundant in by a factor of 60 times in aluminum, 90 times in titanium, which enables us to construct aircraft that can fly all over the world. They're are light metals that have very high strength, so we have a very anomalous high abundance of these valuable elements…[4:B]”
“There are 22 elements we see in the periodic table that are what we call 'Vital poisons' (that is elements that are very poisonous yet are needed by the body in very small and specific amounts), if they exist in the crust of the earth at too high of an abundance level it’ll kill us. But too low of an abundance level it will also kill us. So we have to have just the right amount of Molybdenum in the crust of the earth, just the right amount of Iron, just the right amount of arsenic there’s actually proteins in your body that need arsenic, but you only need a very very tiny amount, and you get above that tiny amount the arsenic will kill you: it has to be at just the right level. And so, all 22 of these vital poisons are extremely anomalous in their abundance level here on planet Earth, and we don’t see it anywhere else in the universe so it really does look like somebody engineered it to get it just right.[4:C].”
Therefore, it looks like Earth functions as the perfectly stabilized environment for the organic life living on Earth that is just right in about every way in an ironically very dangerous outside toxic universe/many other planets completely unsuitable to life as found on Earth. This is a parallel to a human made terrarium or enclosed environment that is purposefully made just right to be the home for the animal/plant etc. being keep in the perfectly balanced environment in a possibly hostile outside environment; therefore, Earth also seems to be purposefully made just right for organic life on Earth to survive and thrive on. If something did make it; it would have to be very intelligent knowing exactly what Earth needed to be for living organisms on Earth's need and powerful enough to make earth suitable for them in a hostile Outerspace environment.
All physical (organic) life on Earth looks designed
All organic life on earth looked designed from animals/humans to plants; this is the greatest proof of reality looking purposefully designed by (a) creator(s) specifically designed traits to their complex organ functions to even the cells that form all physical life on earth all highly looked designed like a complex functioning watch or ,even more accurate, like a high Teck robot (both which did not just form over billions of years from raw material but were purposefully designed/coded by a creator: a watch maker/robotics)
Specific examples of this (very) intelligent being-looking designs in physical life on Earth include:
Organs/parts of animals/humans
The Human Eye
“In…eyes…[there are]…cells so transparent that you can see through them as if they were glass….The [human] eye is no larger than a ping pong ball, but it has so many millions of tiny electrical connections that it can handle 1 1/2 million messages at the same moment! The eye’s clear cornea organizes light rays. The oval crystalline lens becomes fatter or flatter for near or far vision. Two other chambers of the eye are filled with fluid. There are clear fluids, so light can pass through them. The light that comes into the eye is focused by the lens so that it falls on the retina. This is a thin paper like wall that covers the back of the eye although it is less than an inch square the retina has 137 million special cells that are sensitive to light about 130 million of them are Rod shade, these rods are for black and white vision. The remaining 7 million are shaped like cones these permit us to see color. all the cells receive impressions from the light that enters the eye. Each is connected to the optic nerve and since tiny electric signals to that nerve along it into the brain, these signals travel about 300 miles an hour! there ,in the brain, the signals are interpreted so that we “see” pictures of what is in front of us. this complex a mix of many different kind of cells, each with its own special characteristics, and job to do.”[8]
And keep in mind, this is only ONE version of an eye: There are many different known versions of an eye for many different animal species varying in different structures and thus different ways of viewing the world, but yet equally as complex as the human eye!
The Human Brain
“The human brain...simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information. Your brain takes in all the colors and objects you see, the temperature around you, the pressure of your feet against the floor, the sounds around you, the dryness of your mouth, the texture of your mobile device. Your brain holds and processes all your emotions, thoughts and memories. At the same time, your brain keeps track of the ongoing functions of your body like your breathing pattern, eyelid movement, hunger and movement of the muscles in your hands. The human brain processes more than a million messages a second. Your brain weighs the importance of all this data, filtering out the relatively unimportant. This screening function is what allows you to focus and operate effectively in your world. The brain functions differently than other organs. There is an intelligence to it, the ability to reason, to produce feelings, to dream and plan, to take action, and relate to other people.”[3]
Therefore, the human brain acts like a very advanced supercomputer controlling, processing and monitoring information from all other sources: and we know from observation that a supercomputer is created (by an intelligent being). And keep in mind this is only the human brain: while very complex for one, its only one version of many other versions of brains found in animals while similar in function (and even that can slightly vary) they vary in shape/structure and even location(s) in the animal's body!
The chicken egg: the amazing portable womb of the chicken
“A fertilized chicken egg… [is]…very special…Before even thinking about a chick developing in an egg, it is interesting to ponder how the chicken manages to get a shell around that slippery, raw, fertilized egg. It is a rare sight on the farm to see raw egg smeared on the outside of the shell….The shell itself is highly specialized. Each chicken egg shell has about 10,000 tiny holes or pores. How does that chicken form a shell around a soft, messy egg and design the shell to have porosity?…The developing chick needs these pores to breathe….Within the first few days after the egg is laid, blood vessels begin to grow out of the developing chick. Two of these attach to the membrane under the eggshell and two attach to the yolk. By the fifth day, the tiny heart is pumping blood through the vessels. What makes those blood vessels grow out of the chick, and how do they know where to go and to what to attach? The chick feeds from the yolk with the yolk vessels and breathes through the membrane vessels. If any of these vessels do not grow out of the chick or attach to the correct place, the chick will die. The chick gives off carbon dioxide and water vapor as it metabolizes the yolk. If it does not get rid of the carbon dioxide and water vapor, it will die of gaseous poisoning or drown in its own wastewater. These waste products are picked up by the blood vessels and leave through the pores in the eggshell….By the nineteenth day, the chick is too big to get enough oxygen through the pores in the shell. It must do something or die. How does it know what to do next? By this time, a small tooth called the “egg-tooth” has grown onto its beak. It uses this little tooth to peck a hole into the air sack at the flat end of the egg. The air sack provides only six hours of air for the chick to breathe. Instead of relaxing and breathing deeply, with this new-found supply of air, the chick keeps pecking until it breaks a small hole through the shell to gain access to outside air in adequate amounts. On the twenty-first day, the chick breaks out of the shell. If one step in the development of the chick is missing or out of order, the chick dies.* Timing is absolutely crucial!” [5]
The organic cell: everything about it looks designed, almost exactly like a human made robot/machine!
The design and function of sperm cells
“when examined closely sperm look just like a machine especially designed to carry this (Genetic information) load…”[6A]
While the cell itself look like a created machine/robot, what’s on the inside of the cell making it function especially really looks designed and has some very familiar parallels to human made machines/computers!
Cell’s organelles
The first noticeable things Inside the cell making it function is the cell’s organelles: organelles are the very tiny, microscopic organs inside a cell's (yes even cell’s have their own organs inside of them) each with their own unique functions making the cell work: but on closer examination these organelles function very similarly like human made machines:
The literal powerhouse generators that take chemical energy from food consumed by the cell to make chemical energy (ATP) to be used to make other organelles function properly: basically, they produce energy to be used by it’s cell to make it run; it’s a mini power plant. by observations we know a powerhouse is purposely MADE to make energy not randomly happens to form to make energy.
While the cell’s organelles looked designed, this is Especially true for the cell’s Molecular machines that makes the organelles run properly.
They are actually called MACHINES because these molecules/proteins strongly resemble functions/looks almost like human made machines:
The ATP Synthesis machine inside the cell's Mitochondria
“The ATP synthesis machine has many parts we recognize from human designed technology a roater, a stater, a drive shaft, and other basic components of a rotary engine. The ATP synthase is only one of the thousands of elegantly designed molecular machines inside your cells that make your life and all known life possible.” [6:B]
A Bacteria’s flagella: A cells outboard Motor
“The flagellum’s resembles a human designed rotary engine it has a universal joint, bushings, stator, and a rotor it has a drive shaft and even it’s own clutch and breaking system.”[6:C]
The D.N.A. coding inside a cell's Nucleus
D.N.A. (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the literal Coding that controls the functions and nature of a cell. This coding is read by special molecular machines that translate the code inside the D.N.A. strands into a functioning protean to make the cell function correctly.
There’s a very eerie similarity to human created binary coding used to code machine functions to that of coding used in D.N.A. to control cell functions.
A question should be asked: if this comparison is so similar, shouldn’t it make sense that the origins might also be similar? binary machine coding did not form by random chance but was purposeful made by intelligent humans to be used to specifically control the functions of an artificial made machine.
Doesn’t it also make logical sense to conclude that D.N.A., the code controlling the organic cell machine, was also coded by (an) intelligent coder/s (or creator/s) instead of just forming randomly?
Mathematical patterns followed in reality
There are also many designs and patterns in reality that directly or almost directly follow exact patterns found in mathematics
The golden ratio in reality/nature
One great example of this is the golden ratio, not only is the golden ratio itself in mathematical thought very orderly and when graphed makes a very orderly beautiful spiral, but even more interesting this ratio can be found almost directly in all of reality: especially living organic organisms on Earth: and this is especially true in plants.
Sunflower seed spirals
“a sunflower seed [spirals] illustrates this principal as the number of clockwise spirals is 55…and the number of counterclockwise spirals is 89…” (both 55 and 89 are Fibonacci numbers: apart of the golden ratio)
Pinecone spirals
“Pinecones and pineapples illustrate similar spirals of successive Fibonacci numbers…[a pinecone shows] … the alternating pattern of 8 and 13 spirals in a pinecone.” (both Fibonacci numbers) [10]
Fractals in reality/nature
Another big example is fractals, not only are the fractals itself beautiful for constantly repeating the same patterns over and over in smaller forms, but they are found in reality/nature a lot:
“There are many examples of fractals that we encounter in everyday life. Pineapples grow according to fractal laws, and ice crystals form in similar fractal shapes. The repetitive design of broccoli florets is another example of how fractals appear in nature…Fractals, for example, allow plants to maximize their exposure to sunlight, and they allow cardiovascular systems to efficiently transport oxygen to all parts of the body.” [11]
Therefore, many things in reality look like they are based off of mathematical patterns/principles, so it's not illogical to conclude that it looks like an intelligent mind designed these mathematical patterns into reality.
(To be continued)
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Discover “Science's Alternative to an Intelligent Creator: The Multiverse Theory” by By Tim Folger on Nov 10, 2008
Pg 146 “The Creator and the Cosmos” by Hugg Ross on 1993 Colorado Springs, Colo. : NavPress from Internet Archives
[2] "God Exists - Scientific Proof - Part 1 of 3" by Gevte on Apr 20, 2011
(Quote A by Mathematician John Lennox is through 12:53-13:22 and Quote B by Mathematician John Lennox is through 13:28-13:44 of the video)
[3] “Is There a God?” By Marilyn Adamson
[4] “Astrophysicist Shares NEW DISCOVERIES Pointing to GOD” by Daily Dose Of Wisdom Mar 30, 2024
[Quote A]
from 0:56 to 1:14
[Quote B]
from 1:57 to 2:36
[Quote C]
from 2:36 to 3:28
The Berean call “THE MARVELOUS CHICKEN EGG” On May 1, 2012 by Martin, Dr Jobe
YouTube “The design of sperm” by Science and Religion videos on Dec 3, 2019 (Quote at 0:29-0:35 of video)
[B] "Molecular Machines - ATP Synthase: The power plant of the cell" by Discovery Science on Jan 21, 2013 (Quote 2:31-2:55 of Video)
Documentary Revolutionary, Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines (quote from 0:53-1:11 of video) By Skakvac on Sep 12, 2017
Quote Fancy “Fred Hoyle quotes”
Pg 139-140 “It couldn’t just happen” by Lawrence O Richards Thomas Nelson Inc. 1989
(quote from 4:40-5:17) "Renowned Scientist Explains WHY He Became A Christian (POWERFUL 20 minutes)" By Daily Dose of Wisdom on Dec 13, 2023
“Fibonacci spirals and Golden spirals appear in nature, but not every spiral in nature is related to Fibonacci numbers or Phi….Fibonacci spirals, Golden spirals and golden ratio-based spirals often appear in living organisms….The most common appearances of a Fibonacci numbers in nature are in plants, in the numbers of leaves, the arrangement of leaves around the stem and in the positioning of leaves, sections and seeds.”
from Golden “Spirals and the Golden Ratio” by Gary Meisner on August 25, 2012
TreeHugger “9 Amazing Fractals Found in Nature” By Shea Gunther on May 30, 2024